Coral's Premier Book of Reading Comprehension and Paragraph Writing
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{1435-9350-5109-1229 [{புத்தகம் பற்றி An academic journalist, postgraduate in English, Indian History and Psychology, has mentored more than 5000 young graduates for their career. A prolific writer, in English, Tamil, and Hindi, has penned more than 100 Career Guides for various competitive examinations, in a span of four decades. Besides, his self- learning books, General English books, and books on interpersonal skills are well acknowledged by many young graduates who take different career oriented examinations. Also, he has compiled a score of bilingual dictionaries. Five books of this author Premier Book of 108 Comprehensive Essays; Premier Book of Precis Writing; Drafting and Report Writing, Reading Comprehension and Paragraph Writing; Premier Book of Letter Writing for All Occasions; and Premier Book of Business Correspondence - are now presented to the readers by Coral Publishers and Distributors. These books are useful for students in Senior Secondary classes- to excel in their English language paper.
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